Alright, so I hate carpet. It gets flat, crappy, dirty and faded really fast. Have you ever tried to clean cat puke off the carpet? Or tried in vain to vacuum dust out of carpeted corners with crappy attachments? yeah. So wall to wall carpet is pretty much the worst idea ever.
Well placed rugs and some carpeting can be pretty and comfy.
FLOR!! I am in looove with these inexpensive carpeting tiles that you can mix, match, play giant checkers on, and move around (clean!! wooo!).
Perk... = massive discount.
on everything.
best. site. ever.
You have to sign up to buy things, but its free and worth it
and I have never gotten any spam from them. :)
only lasts 20 more hours!!
check out the FLOR sale:
I'm gonna put some in my new dressing room. ;)