The first day of Autumn is officially September 22nd.
It's the 10th, Pumpkin Lattes have already arrived, it rained once last week, and I'm two weeks away from finishing the Summer quarter at school. This Fall, I'm looking forward to season 7 of Psych, leafy pumpkin decorations at Disneyland, and deciding between Maleficent and Jessica Rabbit costumes for Halloween.
Then comes Christmas! I mention this only because I was just cast as Betty Haynes in the stage version of White Christmas at The Canyon Theatre Guild. I'll be starting rehearsals on Monday and will now have Christmas on the brain all through my beloved Autumn. I'll try to create a happy co-existence.
Click on the links above for Starbucks, an awesome TV show about a fake psychic detective, my happy place, and the show schedule for White Christmas.
{hooray! }